
I am Carla Becker, an experienced and highly qualified Western Cape based Permanent Make-up Artist, I specialise in eyebrows, eyeliner as well as lips.

Permanent make-up is arguably the most positive and life-changing cosmetic treatment available within the beauty industry today. Permanent make-up can help you regain confidence by restoring features lost or compromised due to the ravages of time or illness, making real and positive life-changing difference to the way that you look and feel!

What is Permanent Make-up?

Permanent cosmetic make-up is a process where colour is semi permanently inserted into the dermal layer of the skin using fine needles dipped in hypo-allergic pigment (inorganic pigment). Pigments are derived from vegetable products and are either premixed or mixed manually, creating a broad palette from which to choose. The pigment bonds to the skin cells and is visible through the translucent outer layer. Follow up visits, called touch-ups, are done between 8-12 weeks after initial procedure.

Who benefits from Permanent Make-Up?

Everyone, from young to the elderly, who desire a soft, natural enhancement to their appearances.
It is especially beneficial to people who can’t wear cosmetics make-up due to allergies.

Active people who want to look their best for their activities such as swimming, hiking, aerobics and those who don’t want to worry about sweating off and reapplying make-up.

Older ladies without eyebrows or with sparse or droopy eyebrows, uneven lip lines etc.

Also the visually impaired who have difficulty applying their cosmetics, and other motor impairments such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, stroke survivors, and those unsteady hands who cannot apply their own make-up, as well as busy people who do not have time to spend on their own make-up.

Is it painful?

Most people experience some discomfort. This may vary according to each individual’s pain threshold. Different methods are available to help pain management, including various topical anesthetic ointments, anesthetic locals and nerve blocks. It is not all the same kind of pain as a body tattoo.

Is it safe?


All needles are new and sterile for each client.

All machine parts are sterilized and kept in a sanitary way.

New gloves are used for each client.


Permanent make-up is arguably the most positive and life-changing cosmetic treatment available within the beauty industry today. Permanent make-up can help you regain confidence by restoring features lost or compromised due to the ravages of time or illness, making real and positive life-changing difference to the way that you look and feel!

I specialise in eyebrows, eyeliners and lips!


Beauty is more than just skin deep. Beauty is about being unique and confident.
It’s not what you look like, it’s what you project. Beauty is a subjective quality and a universal perfect beauty is but an abstract concept.